To the woman in the blue chevy truck...

On the way through warfield you tried to intimidate me with your big truck because I was doing the speed limit. The minute that lane before Warfield closed you came about a foot behind my car. Then continued to do so while I went 30km through the school zone. I don't care how close you are... I'm not going to speed through a school zone. You're lucky I didn't have to break suddenly, or you would have definitely hit me.


Blue chevy truck. License plate KP XXX (couldn't see... she was close enough that I couldn't see it below my bumper).

Turned right into upper Warfield by the fasgas.

I see that all the time especially on that last bit after the tunnel pub when drivers feel compelled to pass going over the speed limit. Last winter after a heavy snowfall a young lady did just that, speeded up in the passing lane, lost control on the snow and had a head-on collision with another vehicle. Sadly she did not make it...

I see that all the time especially on that last bit after the tunnel pub when drivers feel compelled to pass going over the speed limit. Last winter after a heavy snowfall a young lady did just that, speeded up in the passing lane, lost control on the snow and had a head-on collision with another vehicle. Sadly she did not make it...