Zero Carbon Step Code - sign to show support

Let council know that you are in support of adopting the Zero Carbon Step Code and sign this form to show your support!


The Zero Carbon Step Code is a new law that allows local governments to limit carbon emissions from new buildings in their communities. Read more about it here.


Sign this form and let council know that we support them in adopting a full electrification pathway that uses the Zero Carbon Step Code to eliminate carbon pollution in all new buildings. We are asking the city to adopt the highest level of the Zero Carbon Step Code.


Council will be discussing whether to adopt the Zero Cabon step code, and at which level at the October 15th meeting.


If you want to read the Rossland Sustainability Commission's full report and recommendation, it is included in the May 15 regular council meeting agenda package.

Another plan to increase the cost of living under the guise of reducing our carbon footprint.  What's the existing carbon footprint of Rossland on a Provincial, National, or World level?  If Rossland emitted zero, would it even be more than a rounding error on a Provincial level?  Stop the insanity.

Yaaaa how 'bout NO Lisa. Can the City stop with its virtue signalling and gaslighting and focus on real improvements for this town instead. So sick of this gross mismanagement of our community.