Missing Cat Quincy

My friend's cat Quincy (front) has been missing since Sunday. If you live near the steep Davis hill in lower Rossland, please check your sheds etc to see if he might be stuck. Quincy likes to go for long independent adventures but this is longer than usual. His friend Rufus (back) is missing him a lot. If you've seen him, please let me know your address and how I can get in touch.


A saw this cat cruising around downtown this morning. First Ave near the legion. It looked like it knew what it was doing, so I thought nothing of it. Hope kitty and owner are re-united!

Hey nottakingthebait, that's a different cat. That cat you see around the legion, on first ave, belongs in my house! We live next to the legion. They look similar but not the same guy.

The cat you see is Harry :-)

Thanks for confirming that!! They do look alike :)

Harry is the nicest cat ever.  Glad I know his name now. 

We saw him crossing the street this morning around 1030am He was heading towards Davis around Earl/Union corner. He is often playing in my backyard with Marco (my cat) and Rufus. I'll keep an eye out!