
Any update on the coyotes at red?   Last seen eating cans by our dumpster.  

Tons them still around was  surronded by five them as I walked my dog at 3 am the other nite a neighbor had one approach her car and showed Zero fear! Noticed the garbage cans over spilling and open at Rafters... geez that helps! No Real Rednecks in Rossland?come on guys reds parking lots would be a great little night of Beers and 22 cal. Practising.My AK is a little loud and a little dangerous if a I miss.

Robinson Robinson, who are you?

 apparntly a guy with a prohibited rifle.

Apparently all the 'rednecks' are smart enough to know that using firearms within city limits is a terrible idea

typical great at criticism and hating but solutions?our proboes Red with Coyotes has died down due to Ski Hill being closed and less people and garbage. Who am I? A father of two a grandfather a Martial Artist a employee at ICBC and a tax paying citizen of Rossland. The gun and redneck comments were obviously sarcasm. Thanks for the Help. 

Problem at reds died down ! Swear my spellchecks on! WHO R YOU? see? Works!

They are currently attacking people still.  Please call co for any aggressive behaviour

I don't understand peoples thought process around here. "lets choose to live in a little town surrounded by wilderness known to have bears, cougars, and coyotes, but lets phone the c/o's as soon as any defensive wild animal characteristics are shown". Whaddya expect a wild animal to do/ stand on their hind legs and shake your hand as they introduce themselves?? Grab a brain people. 

What D.W said. 


Actually.   Ive lived at red 8 years with no problems.   Something is wrong this year. It is attacking people unprovoked

Ps. I have a brain.  And coyotes don’t know how to shake a paw.  Stop being so rude

A resident of a condo at Red was attacked 2 weeks ago going to work. He had to continually beat it off so he could get into his truck. I highly doubt he had time to shake its paw. CO called. Thank god. Give your head a mountain now has Many resident children so stop whining about saving the coyotes. If they are agressive enough to go one on one with a big man....think of the children before you start banging your save the wildlife drum. 

No one wants any kid to get hurt Mountainlion. Thankfully it hasn't happened, hopefully it won't ever. Thing is, if I moved to the city, I'd expect my car to get broken into. I wouldn't call the cops because I'd already know it was probably some crackhead looking for his/her next hit. Same thing applies here, choosing to live pretty much in the woods means your going to see things and most likely have some encounters. It's all about give and take, not take and take.