Reward for keys!

Our keys took a ride on the roof of our truck on Friday! Silly keys! Could be anywhere between here and Trail. One ford key, one kia key. $50 if you happen to spot them :)

someone just posted on FB KTBS page:

Found FORD key FOB and key ring with multiple keys on it. Found on highway towards Waneta Dam. Dropped off at the Trail police station. 



Hope these are yours!

someone just posted on FB KTBS page:

Found FORD key FOB and key ring with multiple keys on it. Found on highway towards Waneta Dam. Dropped off at the Trail police station. 



Hope these are yours!

oops, s/b KBST page...:) 


oops, s/b KBST page...:) 


Thanks Mikospeeps!!

Its only the 2 vehicle keys, and furthest distance would be Glenmerry, but we so appreciate your thought- people like you make Rossland amazing ;)

Still MIA