Damaged car

To the person who demaged/hit my vehicle - silver Hunday Tuscon (either on McLeod ave or Red Mountain Village) I would really appreciate if you could give me a call 250- five 12 - 9 five01.




What a total coward to do that and not leave a note or phone number. Hope you track down the driver. 

Risking to look ridiculous playing a detective, the damage (broken plastic panel above an intact rear bumper, no scratches or paint residue) does not look like it was caused by a vehicle but rather some pointy object. Which makes me wonder if it could have been done on purpose.

Well, maybe that person had a legit reason for not being able to leave a note and will come up and restore my faith in humanity. Until then though I keep my doubts.

Sorry to hear that and hope someone comes forward.  I had a similar incident in the blackjack lot last year so feel your frustration. Icy day in that lot and someone slid into my bumper and the pressure from the bumper pressing in cracked the body on one side of the truck. I'm guessing they looked quickly and because of snow/dirt didn't think anything happened as there was only a minor scratch/dent on the bumper.  I noticed when I couldn’t drop my tailgate all the way to put my skis in the truck.  Repair ended up being $3,000 and fortunately was covered by insurance (-deductible of $500). Sounds like you've documented it well and hope you've reported to insurance. 

Best of luck